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Professional Window Cleaning & Eavestrough


Best Pricing - Best Quality - Best Customer Service

We hope you can find everything you need. Urban Shine Window Cleaning is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.

With a variety of services to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.

Commercial Window Cleaning

* Interior & Exterior

* High rise

* Low rise

* Strip malls

* Store fronts

All commercial window cleaning is delivered by skilled and safety trained technicians via: Rope access, Man Lift, Ladder, or pole.

We can provide monthly, quarterly, bi - annually and annual window cleaning services.

Commercial Specialty Services

* Caulking

* Pre construction window covering (preventative maintenance)

* Post construction window cleaning

* Rope access cleaning

* Rope access repairs

Specialty requests

We will try to accommodate all specialty requests as long as we have the means to safely and skillfully carry them out.

Residential Window Cleaning

* Acreages

* 1 story

* 2 story

* 2 story with walkout

Residential Specialty Services

* Property maintenance

* Pre-construction window covering (preventative maintenance)

* Post-construction window cleaning

* Eavestrough cleaning

* Specialty requests

We will try to accommodate all special requests as long as we have the means to safely and skillfully carry them out.

Small community window cleaning & property maintenance

If you live in a smaller community and are in the need of a professional window cleaning and/or eavestrough cleaning service, we can help!

Just get together with other members of your residential and business community that share a similar need for the service(s) and we will deliver.

Urban Shine will come to your community to serve the members in need of window and screen cleaning & eavestrough cleaning. We can also accommodate special requests for miscellaneous services.

Minimum charges apply for the small community service. Give us a call at 780-905-5773 or email your request to

We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

Professional Storefront Window & Sign Cleaning

Storefront Window Cleaning & Pressure

Washing. Monthly rates available.

Residential Window Cleaning & Property Maintenance

Residential Window Cleaning, Pressure washing & Eavestrough cleaning.

Commercial Window Cleaning & Property Maintenance

Commercial window cleaning via: Rope Access , man lift, ladder, & pole.

Urban Shine Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance offer an assortment of services:

* Window Cleaning

* Screen cleaning

* Frame & track cleaning

* Eavestrough cleaning

* Pre-construction window covering

* Post-construction window cleaning

And much more...

Let US

Bring the Shine!

Call: 780-905-5773 or 


Thanks for visiting!

Urban Shine Window Cleaning 

and Property Maintenance

P.O Box 196, Tofield, Alberta T0B 4J0

© 2018    UrbanShine Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance. All Rights Reserved.

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